Forced to use my hotspot, so no pictures. There aren’t many today anyway. I’ll post them tomorrow.
The Minuteman Missile Museum was very different than the Titan Missile Museum. The entire physical process for managing the missiles were not similar at all, though the process for launching them was identical. The Museum and tour for Minuteman was more technical, while the Titan was more personal. Both are well worth a visit. Perhaps the strangest thing here is that it’s managed by the National Park Service. Having a Park Ranger give the tour was just odd. “Here we have a mule deer.” Just replace “mule deer” with “1.2 megaton nuclear device”.
The rest of the day was just driving. I90, legally doing 80 MPH. South Dakota is no less boring than North Dakota in my eyes. I had a storm line in front of me moving east, which I had to push through. Some heavy rain, but not enough to worry about. I knew about it before setting out, so I was properly dressed. Spray from vehicles much worse than actual rain.
In Sibley, Iowa tonight ($36 room; Yea!). Heart of corn country (read: ethanol). Fertilizer aromas too. Friendly people at the bar. Recreational activities: If they aren’t fishing, they’re hunting. I was a fish out of water.