I’m too early. The 92 mile road into Denali isn’t open yet. The buses aren’t operating either. I was able to drive 30 miles up the road, 15 on very dry gravel. You can’t see the mountain during the second 15 miles, and the scenery is nothing spectacular. At the endpoint scenic view I asked a threesome talking loudly about nothing important to take it elsewhere. After a 15 mile gravel road, my patience was thin. They did indeed take it elsewhere and everyone else expressed their appreciation.
The Mount Denali is extremely impressive, from any angle and any distance. I put it up there with Mt. Fuji for beauty and majesty. The park is less so. They may have wildlife, but it wasn’t present today. The hills are brown. The air is dusty. The campsite, for the first time on this trip, is full and noisy. Overall, it hasn’t been a good day. I’m leaving tomorrow for Anchorage.
