Toured the Museum. Very fancy, extremely professional layout. A lot of nature, a little light on recent history. A video about Aurora Borealis went a long way towards teaching me what it is, though I was surprised to learn that scientists aren’t exactly sure themselves.
A free museum downtown about dog sledding and the gold rush days was more to my liking.
Saw Mt. Delani for the first time. Hope to see a lot more of it.
Worked briefly on the details of my trip home from here. I’m first going to visit Denali NP and Anchorage. Then , just getting back into the US will require driving 2,300 miles. From the border I’ll probably use the “Historic 101” as much as I can. The entire trip will be about 3,700 miles, so it’ll take several weeks. But much of this leg will involve retracing steps already tread, so my pace might be quicker.

That’s Denali in the distance

Very fancy outhouse

The Museum had a lot of artwork. This was my favorite.

UA is the only university with it’s own rocket range.
