Drove towards the Dalton Highway, also known as the Haul Road. It goes all the way to Prudhoe Bay and is mostly gravel or mud. Got within 46 miles of Mile 0, or 65 degrees North. Far enough. Nice view. Lots of trucks, all extremely dusty.
Visited a viewing pint for the pipeline. The technology is really interesting. For instance, when above ground the pipe lays unattached to it’s support. The pipe can slide around. The posts have radiators to deflect heat from the permafrost so it doesn’t melt.
Learned a lot about mining gold. (An Italian named Pedro discovered the gold near Fairbanks.)
Pioneer Park has a bunch of old houses and shops, which are mostly closed until the 15th. One shop was open and I had a fun conversation with the operators. They’re snowbirds from Florida. They gave me several good tips. The Park also has a rail car used by President Harding and a steamboat that was used in the area up until WWII.
Had fried cod for dinner.
I’m changing my itinerary. The next post.

The upper beam is not attached to the lower one.

For those scientists among you.

The brown is almost certainly dust thrown off the trucks as they pass by.

Everyone needs wolf head mittens.