The Canadian checkpoint is about 18 miles AFTER entering Canada. The USA checkpoint is about a half-mile AFTER entering Alaska. I could have entered Alaska and turned around before actually going through the USA checkpoint. So much for international borders. I love this about the USA and Canada. Friends to the end.
There are various memorabilia at the Canadian/Alaska border. Very cool. The checkpoint was entertaining for me because the agent asked, “Where did I work before retirement?” I answered “NCIS”. He says, “Really, that’s where I worked from 1978-79. I worked for Jack Guadalia.” I knew Jack (crazy guy). We could have sat down for a long talk, but there were cars waiting. It was a nice coincidence. Small world.
I continued on in minor rain to the town of Tok. Tok is a minor town, but it has a miracle in its history. In 1990 it was looking at extinction from a fire sweeping across the plains, when a sudden wind shift saved it. In 2009 it recorded an unofficial temperature of -80 degrees. Which is partially why I chose to stay in the Golden Bear Motel tonight rather than it’s RV Park. Really nice people.
I’ve now done that which was on my primary list of “Things To Do” on this motorcycle adventure. Everything else is gravy. Going to Nova Scotia is more about remembrance of things past, since my parents dragged the kids there in the 60s. Basket weaving and leather belt making in the Bay of Fundy. I have fond memories, but I didn’t do it on a motorcycle. I also want to enjoy New England and the New York countryside on two wheels. A little bit of my enthusiasm is gone now. I’ve got to get to Seattle obviously. After that, I may go south to home or east to more adventures. For now I’ve got some Alaska to explore!

Nicest people! Wifi works in the rooms behind the office.

A kodiak Bear. Doesn’t want anyone to change the channel.