Very nice day. A few sprinkles, but mostly sunshine. Easy drive. Based on advice of fellow travelers I drove to Haines Junction, about 90 miles past Whitehorse. Only 300 miles to the next stop, Tok, Alaska. Road had no gravel stretches, but bumps were more common. Most had warnings. One really long steel decked bridge, but not an issue. No animals seen. Most markers were nature, not historical, based. Camera was set wrong for most of the day! The wheel on top gets turned and I don’t notice.
Didn’t visit Whitehorse. Too many people. 31,000? Capital of Yukon. I might be driving past it again on the return.
Two Fairbanks natives flew to Seattle to purchase used Goldwings. Driving them back. Tough road to take for new riders of such large motorcycles. But they’re well prepared and seem to be doing very well. They’ve driven the road before in trucks. Also met one couple of classic snowbirds pulling a trailer. Nevada in the winter, Fairbanks in the summer.
Washed the bike tonight. I feel much better, though I know she’ll just get dirty again tomorrow.

Memorial for an engineer who died during the road’s construction

Haines Junction

My best side