Yes, the Title is intuitively obvious. Drove I94 all day. 75 MPH, seemingly getting nowhere.
Jamestown has some very interesting thoughts about intersections. No four way stops. Few two way stops. They have two way yields. Some residential intersections had no signs at all! Very unnerving for a guy on a bike.
For being the hometown of Louis L’Amour, Jamestown has precious little to say about him. The largest buffalo statue in the world gets more attention.
As the pictures show, North Dakota has a thing about large statues of animals.
I struggled all day to pay attention. Stopped at every rest stop, took five hour energy, sang songs, etc.
I’ll camping(!) at Theodore Roosevelt National Park for $3.50. (I’m using a cellular iPad linked to a Macbook to post this.) There are buffalo pies around the site. Midnight trips to the restroom will definitely be cautiously done. I’ll drive around the Park tomorrow. Canada tomorrow! Hotels cost more there. A left wing plot to take money from the rich, no doubt. I’ve got to find campsites.

My hotel last night. The innkeeper was very interested in my travels. The wife thought I was crazy.

Jamestown War Memorial

Where is the road going? Twilight Zone.

The building looks very New York-like. I’d expect a large teepee.

The “largest buffalo statue in the world!”

North Dakota certainly has a thing about large statues.