Oh, how I wish I could have spent more time in Hannibal! Yes, it’s largely a one horse town, but Mark Twain deserves it. What little I saw was fun. For anyone nearby, they have an annual weekend celebration in May.
Had breakfast at the Mark Twain Diner. Looking across the street at a Best Western I noticed a Rolls Royce! Then I realized it was next to another Rolls. And another. Walking over, I counted over 15 Rolls or Bentleys, all in the Best Western. Wow. But I’ll keep my Goldwing.
I stopped once in a while along the way, in the rain. Some things are worth the wet. I crossed the Mississippi three times and visited four states. I spied a large construction site in the back and beyond with multiple kinds of cranes. But it was actually a training site for construction engineers. Saw an exit sign for “Mexico Louisiana”. Strange names for towns. There are some gorgeous homes sitting next to barns.
Dubuque looked interesting, but I passed it by. Staying in the town of Prairie du Chien, WI. There is a lot of French connection along the Mississippi.
Probably too many pictures.

This is a very nice Best Western.

Called the Mark Twain Lighthouse. I don’t know why.

Wait. Tom Sawyer was a work of fiction, right?

Every town has a very nice building in the square. But their clocks don’t work!

In Illinois towns they have markers for anything Lincoln did in their town.

It’s called The Grotto.

Obviously, in Wisconsin.

War Memorial. Winnebago War?

In Pairie du Chien.