To beat the forecast rain, I planned for an early departure. I got away at 5:38 AM. Unfortunately, rain began to fall at 5:35. I did beat the sun by 30 minutes, which meant I was driving in the rain in the dark. A very bad combination. Happily, the traffic was going in the opposite direction.
Strong winds and heavy rains were forecast, most notably in the northwest. So I bent eastward to Davenport, then north to Dubuque. Though I hit extremely strong winds, the rain was mostly drizzle. It also got cold, which I had noticed in the forecast but didn’t mentally process. So at lunch I added clothing. The wind was almost always 90 degrees off my course, so I was fighting it all day.
Since I reduce sightseeing and increase traveling during [drivable] bad weather, I made good about 400 miles. But I’ve missed Missouri Wine Country, Jefferson City, most of Hannibal, Dubuque, and Galena. Writeups of what I have seen will come after I fix my photo upload issue.