During the week at home I replaced our TV, couch, and chair. (Following intense consultation of course.) Visited Disneyland to see friends. Attended the final Sharks-Kings hockey game, in a suite no less. Reduced the quantity of wine in the house. Drove a car!
On my return trip to St. Louis I left my No. 1 ball cap in Denver. I think I’ll replace it with a Canada cap.
Returning to the St. Louis parking garage the driver pulled up to where he thought my card said the bike was at. Spot 408. Empty. I look left and right; no bike in sight. Panic begins. Then the driver says “Oh, 418!” He moves up, past a monster F-350. There it is. A bit of unwanted excitement. I’ve got a half-cover, but it continues to appear useless. The bike’s got a layer of dust under the cover.
Rams gear is going cheap at St. Louis’s airport (picture).
Not sure of my course tomorrow. There are storms brewing in the midwest, but it’s a big area and the national weather media generalizes (sensationalizes) a lot. I want to visit the city, go west to Jefferson City, then north to Hannibal, MO. But I might just go north if storms truly threaten. The way that I wander is the way that I choose.