Fort Negley in Nashville is not much of a fort and was never attacked, but it does have excellent interpretive signs to describe its history. Peaceful. There were supposed to be homeless people occupying the grounds, but I didn’t see any.
The Country Music Hall of Fame and Museum is all one could expect. Even some live performers. I didn’t take pictures. There were just too many things that were picture worthy. I learned that “Country-Western” became the popular descriptive not for the music, but for the visual image. When westerns hit the big screen, the singing cowboys of the times didn’t like it being described as “hillbilly” music. I am in no way a country music aficionado, but even I spent 2 1/2 hours in the Museum.
Driving to Paducah I again took a turn off the highway and crossed the “Land Between the Lakes” Recreation Area. They have elk and bison visiting ranges. Motorcycles not allowed; I didn’t ask if it was the noise or concerns of safety. In any case, what I did see of the park was quite pretty. Interesting history (floods, dams, eminent domain removals, etc.).
On Monday I travel to St. Louis and catch a flight home for a week. This blog will continue on Tuesday, April 26th.

Note the sign over the gate.

Land between the Lakes

Land between the Lakes