Tail of the Dragon Done!

Two part entry for today.

I learned about this mystical ride in the Appalachians many years ago and ever since wanted to do it.  Tail of the Dragon.  Cool name, cool pictures on the web site.  Today was the day!

The ride (from the south) begins at a store named Deal’s Gap.  There were dozens of motorcycles and not a few cars.  I parked and watched.  Every few minutes a car or bike would go screaming up the road.  With me all by my lonesome, it was more than a little intimidating.  I piddled around for a while, including a look-see in the store, where there were dozens of t-shirts styles.  I figured buying one now would be tempting fate, so it was an easy decision to wait until I reached the north end to buy anything.

I eventually summoned up the nerve to get going.  When it appeared that no one else was preparing to  begin, I took off.  Suffice to say I made it.  Even better, I never had to pull over and let someone pass me.  Indeed, I had one car had pull over!  I drove past the end for several miles looking for a store to purchase a memento, only to realize there were no stores.  So I turned around and did it again.  This time I needed two Harleys to pull over!  Heaven.  I bought a t-shirt (with a Goldwing image on it) and a sticker.

My evaluation of the ride is that it is everything they say it is.  It’s not extremely difficult, unless (of course) you want to go fast.  Any experienced rider can do it.  There are no side roads or driveways.  They are numerous turnouts for slower traffic.  It’s twisty in both dimensions: left and right AND up and down.  You’ve certainly got to pay attention to the road.  I’ve had short rides that were much more difficult and long rides that were more visually appealing.  But the Tail of the Dragon lives up to it’s name.

I recorded my ride on GoPro and it’s very nice.  I just can’t upload it yet. The store posts photographers along the way, but I haven’t bought one of their pictures.

The "Tree of Shame" or "Tree of Pain".  Take your pick.

The “Tree of Shame” or “Tree of Pain”. Take your pick.

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One Comment, RSS

  1. Debbie

    I’ve never heard of the Tail of the Dragon, but am now mystified by it. Thanks for posting your two-times journey (tail and head?); I live vicariously through you.

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