Best Western to Everglades NP to Motel 6 in Orlando. 80 miles in the park, 310 miles to Orlando. Long day. Drive sucked. Another overturned 18 wheeler completely closed the road. Had to use toll road ($15.40!). That makes two overturned trucks in Florida. Plus two close calls with motorists, both in Florida. I’m not feeling the love from the bulk of this state.
Everglades was okay. Not terrific. Boat ride educational, but not worth the 2 hours it took. The best saltwater crocodiles we saw were at the dock! I think the key takeaway was that I don’t ever want to spend time on foot in a swamp. But I already knew this.
Tried to use the GoPro. Not too successful, but I’ll keep trying.

About two feet long.

About eight feet long.

This “Tree of Death” will kill you. The leaves burn your skin, the eaten fruit melts your esophagus.

They build straight roads in the swamp.

Taken with the GoPro while driving