My first bad day. No pics, no sightseeing.
Driving through clouds all morning, on my way to Corpus Christi. The Goldwing is a remarkably dry ride, but the water and limited visibility is depressing. Then I stop to add air. Pump drains air instead. The attendant: “It’s not our pump. There’s a number on the pump to dial if it’s not working.” I just stare at her (a favorite trick I have when faced with an unhelpful answer). Finally, she adds “We have a pump out back that we let truckers use.” Success! But I’m now hot, wet, dirty and disappointed with the quality of humanity. (Though I suggest they put an “out of order” sign on the air pump, it’s not done as of the time I leave.)
There’s really nothing to see in the fog, so I skip Corpus Christi and drive to San Antonio, a day ahead of plans. I took the rest of the day off from anymore Adventures. I’ll resume tomorrow.
I did succeed in driving through San Diego, TX. But there was no sign to take a picture of. Oddly enough, there’s a Julian St.