Fairly simple ride today. Started at the Whitehead Museum in Del Rio. Really, just a lot of old stuff without much comment. The same could be said of the entire town. I’d give it a pass.
Not much between the two cities, except for Eagle Pass. Mexico has a huge flag flying, but I was going nuts trying to find a good place for a picture. Goldwing’s NAV system is just horrible. But I finally succeeded, finding myself right on the Rio Grande. Almost literally. See the pics.
Only a few cool historical signs. One was considered not picture worthy until I realized where I was standing. Again, see the pics.
Drove through Dimmit County. It might have been a typo by the residents?
Laredo has an interesting history. Seems that when Texas won independence from Mexico, Laredo wasn’t considered part of the prize. It was disputed territory. In 1840 there was a revolt, with Laredo and it’s surroundings declaring themselves independent of everyone. Texans tried to take control, only to be repulsed. Mexico did succeed in quelling the revolt, but Laredo was officially independent for 283 days. In 1848 Mexico ceded ownership to the US. So for a while Laredo was not Mexico, nor Texas.
I splurged and had a steak at the Tack Room and a margarita next door at La Posada Hotel. A guy in Alpine recommended them both. Excellent!!
Camping tonight. Supposed to get down to 72 degrees. Not a problem. Showers!

Ladies: Read carefully. Justification for legalizing cocaine!

I think my lawn mower engine is bigger.

Can you identify the car? 1947.

Wine Grape crusher.

Del Rio city hall. Constructed with limestone. Looks like a castle.

Waiting for the ferry to Mexico. Not.

A Mexican cow. If it swims across, is it an illegal steak?

The fence is 100 yards north of the river. The flag is gigantic!

This sign, about four deaths, didn’t seem picture worthy . . .

. . . until I realized where the graves were!

My home in Oceanside is only miles from California’s El Camino Real.

Politics is politics. The Donald is most definitely a Boot.