Great weather day, with one bad news/good news caveat. Tucson was having visible rain squalls and high winds. Mission Rules dictate that I shall not have two consecutive bad nights camping, so I checked out hotels and found that Tucson has inexpensive rooms, well within my limit. In addition, tomorrow is a scheduled hold-in-place day, so I booked two nights. (It is raining now, contrary to weather forecasts.) Anyway . . .
Yuma Proving Grounds has a great display outside the base (good luck getting onto the base). Included is an M65, the only type of cannon actually used to fire a nuclear shell.
McPhaul “Bridge to Nowhere” Bridge. Considered too flimsy to use in the 1950s, but it refuses to fall apart.
Ajo, AZ has mountains of slag, residue from open pit mining. Sad to see, but they are impressive. Ajo also has a truly incredible Border Patrol Office (Ajo Station), 9 miles south on 85. Just massive. On 86 East there were numerous little roadside memorials, like those I’ve seen for car accidents. I don’t think these are for that. As expected, lots of Border Patrolmen.
Drove up Kitt Peak, 6750 feet. Large observatory installation. A fun winding road to the top. Great views. Very nice visitors center. I missed the tours.
Passed a group of 12 GWs heading west. Three Trikes.
Tomorrow I’m having my tires replaced. My present tires could probably do fine for a bit longer (San Antonio), but they’re a drain on my mind and I’m gong on roads less traveled. Getting Dunlop E3s, for those who understand.

Sunrise at Squaw Lake Campground

Bridge to Nowhere

No Idea

Hey Arizona: The Mohawk Valley is in New York.

Ajo City Hall

Slag Pile

Monument across from the slag pile

Steering is unimportant.